The Trivium: Grammar, Dialectic and Rhetoric
Last spring, I went to the Great Homeschool Convention in Fort Worth, TX with a big question. For a couple of years, I had been studying the liberal arts on my own. I'd read pretty widely and thought I understood the first three arts, the trivium. As I began to try to understand the quadrivium, I had read The Liberal Arts Tradition by Clark and Jain, as well as Beauty for Truth's Sake by Stratford Caldecott. I still didn't even begin to understand what the quadrivium was about. I went to the conference ready to ask people for their thoughts on how to teach the quadrivium. I left pretty unsatisfied. I got varying answers from "teach sol-fa for music" to "let them take a drafting class" to "teach them what home means." I knew I would not make any progress at this point without a guide. A few weeks later, I heard that a new class was being offered by the CiRCE Institute. It would be The Atrium with Andrew Kern on the seven liber...
Hey! I finally found your blog. Would you mind if I linked it on mine? Hope you are well, and what a small world it is. I can't wait to tell J the connection between all three of us. I will be your way this December! Can not wait!!! We will not be getting our daughter, but coming to visit the Stewarts. :)
ReplyDeleteNope, don't mind at all! Link it up, Kellie! : ) I'm new to all this, and don't really know how to do all that!
ReplyDeleteexcellent work luke!
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome!