
I'm so pleased and honored to introduce our daughter, Meryn Helena Preedy!

She was adopted and became a part of our family on December 30th, 2011, after a court hearing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 

We are praying for a quick processing of paperwork in the coming days and weeks and for visa clearance from the US Embassy at the earliest possible moment, so she can leave Ethiopia and join us in our home.  

More about our trip in the coming days, but for now, I wanted to share these few pictures!  We are ALL so excited and love her to pieces! 


  1. Ah! I'm am elated for you, Meg! What great joy!

  2. What a beautiful family! Praying you get everything processed and approved to bring her home!

  3. I'm so excited for all of y'all love the pictures and praying for fast paperwork!

  4. She's so cute! I'm so glad it all worked out well!

  5. So excited for you guys! Praying for everything to finalize QUICKLY! Beautiful family of 6!!! Summer

  6. What great pictures! Congratulations! She's precious!

  7. YAY!!!!!!! thanks for sharing your excitement with all of us & including us in your journey!

  8. Happy Happy Congratulations!! Such a beautiful family! May the processing be swift and your trip home safe.

  9. Congratulations:) So very happy for your family!

  10. WAHOO! I love these pictures. So glad the other kiddos did ok. Hopefully everything else will be smooth. You are almost there!


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