Tapestry: Year 2, Week 6

We had a fun time this week getting into a study of knights and castles.  Our books were great and the kids enjoyed reading about how to lay siege to a castle, the feudal system in the middle ages, and learning all about knights armor and jousting.  We also started reading Robin Hood this week and will continue it next week.  

One thing our kids have been enjoying this year is getting fun craft ideas from Mr. Maker on Saturday mornings.  I am NOT a crafty person, and can never think of fun crafts to do, plus I hate messes. : )  But I've enjoyed helping them make Mr. Maker crafts.  Thank you, Mr. Maker, for this fun Saturday Bowlasaurus (though I admit that I changed it so we didn't have to paint a bowl, because we don't have paper products here. Sorry, Mr. Maker). 

I think the most fun thing we've done so far this year was make pretzels! Our activity book said that pretzels were a common treat for children in the middle ages. Plus they're fun to make. : )  We wanted to make a big deal out of it, so we invited friends over to join the fun!

Som peeps pretzels looked more like pretzels than others. 

I love this picture.  Everyone is smiling, even the upside down Levi. 

Enjoying the pretzels with mustard and ketchup.  They turned out great!

Then we had an outside play time, and learned all about frogs...

And centrifugal force.  Not really. 

This week, we painted our volcano...

And exploded it.  The kids loved this.  We've done it before, but it worked a lot better this time. 

Notebooking from the week! 

Fun week!  We're looking forward to the next three weeks and then a little break as we make the big trip back to the US for the fall.  I'm so excited, because it just worked out for us to spend a day in London.  So we'll spend the day exploring medieval things, like the Tower of London!  So excited!!!


  1. Another week of learning fun in your school! Awesome! Love the bowlasaurus! LS


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