Health Update

It's time for an update on what's going on with my health!  The doctors determined from my previous blood tests that my levels are always on the lower side.  They thought it was safe for me to start on the anti-thyroid medication.  Over the weekend, I began taking a beta blocker and anti-thyroid drugs.

We thought long and hard about this. We realize that medication does not solve this problem.  It just treats the effects of what's going on.  But I need that right now. I was un-functional. I could not move around the house last week without feeling close to passing out.  We are traveling to Thailand this weekend to renew our visa and have a little family vacation.  I physically could not make the trip if I was in the same condition as last week.  And I have to make the trip.  This was the main factor in deciding to take the medication.

However, we are still continuing to explore what might be causing the underlying problem of the potential Grave's disease.  There is one blood test that will show if there are markers for Grave's disease in your blood or not.  It seems that test is only performed in the US.  There is a lab here, and one in Bangkok, that will take the sample and send it to the US.  And both places cost about the same amount. I went ahead and had my blood drawn here and ordered those tests, based on the advice of both the endocrinologist here, and a naturopathic doctor in the US.

On Friday last week, I spoke with the naturopathic doctor who is a Functional Medicine practitioner.  She graciously gave me 20 minutes through Skype to talk about what is going on, and give me her opinion. I emailed her all my blood tests as well.  She said that based on my blood work, there are a few things that are off, and seems like a lot more is going on than just my thyroid. This gives some doubt to the idea of Grave's disease.  She said that she doesn't think that all the things  showing up in my blood are a result of the thyroid problem, but other things happening at the same time. It looks like there is a lot of inflammation happening right now.  She suggested some different natural options like vitamins and probiotics to start taming down the inflammation while we do some more investigations.  Those investigations are happening right now, and I should get the reports on the tests on Monday.

From what I have understood from the doctor in the US and from reading, thyroid problems are caused by toxins building up in our bodies.  These toxins do not only or always come from food, they can come from chemicals in the air, in furniture polish, carpet sealant, shampoos and other things we put on our skin, cleaning supplies, and the list goes on.  I'm trying not to let this make me paranoid. : )  We can't really do anything to change some of these things.  But the household cleaners, body products, and eating, I can change.  It will take some time, and I may do sensitivity tests and try adding things back in, especially things I rely on and are convenient.  One thing at a time....

So we're treating the symptom while trying to figure out the bigger problem.  If indeed it turns out to be inflammation in my body, and not Grave's disease, then it means that my body is attacking itself.  It also means it could continue to do that until we get the inflammation under control and gone.  I am taking steps now to stop eating things that could be causing this.  I've quit eating wheat, and am working on cutting out all sugar.  I'm also making bone broth and having 1-2 cups everyday.  Believe me, this is not easy.  Changing my diet is the last thing I want to do, and I've always felt so sorry for people who have to do that. I love food.  Most people do! :)  I just feel like I need to do this and not rely solely on the medicine.  When we get back from Thailand, I plan to make a plan with the doctor to implement a proper and logical diet to get to the bottom of all this.  My hope is that my body will respond and I can get my system cleaned out of toxins, and get back to my regular eating. : )  I'm hoping through this I will start to feel better than I have in years!

I'm so thankful to a loving Father who walks with us through difficult times.  I'm thankful that we are in a place where I can quickly, easily, and inexpensively have all this diagnosed and treated.  I'm thankful for a wonderful husband who has stepped in and filled my shoes and his for the past two weeks while I figure this out and recover.  I'm thankful for friends and family, literally, all around the world, who are lifting us up and asking for quick healing.


  1. I am glad you are making progress on this topic and have been able to get input and insights from several places, including the US natural minded Dr. Sounds like you are on a good path with lots of avenues to explore...which is much better than being at a dead end! Continuing to pr for you...ugh, diet change...I am with you. BUT, if it does the trick, it will be so worth it!

  2. I will keep praying for you! It sounds like a tall mountain to climb and I'm so sorry you find yourself here. I'll pray for energy to parent, teach, and wife....(that's not a verb, but you know what I mean!) Praying also you get to the bottom of this, and for lots of wisdom.


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