Tapestry of Grace Year 3 Weeks 13-14: Victorian England and Victorians at Home and Abroad

I have SO been looking forward to this week!  We took a two-week break from American history to focus on what was going on across the pond in Victorian England!  We spent a lot of time this week reading "In the Days of Queen Victoria."  It was so interesting to me to read about her childhood and how she became queen of England at 18 years of age.  She was a fascinating person and queen!  I have also always loved the time period of her reign.  We really enjoyed reading about the lives of servants, commoners, and the aristocracy during this time period.  In Week 14, we focused mostly on the founding of Australia, and about the unique flora, fauna, and animals of Australia.  Of course, we're also keeping on with math, science, Veritas Bible, and All About Spelling!

The kids read this on their own this week. We are working toward more independent work this year, and it's going well!

Luke's notebook page for the week.  He called this, "Victorian Village", and said it was the best fountain he'd ever drawn.  We may need to talk about what the young lady in the doorway is wearing????

Kiryn opted to draw what it might have looked like in a Victorian kitchen.  I love this!  She obviously learned the basics, and the labels are just great!

From Kiryn's Classical Writing Primer.  I love love love her illustrations of the stories!

From our study of Australia

From Writing Aids, Luke used this Advanced Cluster Diagram to write a paragraph about his favorite Australian animal. Hilarious to me that he picked the Thorny Devil.

And here's Levi being silly with tape. 


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