
Showing posts from August, 2014

The "Crate" is Here!

It wasn't a crate or container after all.  It was a giant moving truck that covered three driveways.     The girls were extremely excited! Our boxes had seen better days. I can't believe nothing fell out.   Furniture in the house!! Time to get busy! We've got our work cut out for us the next few weeks to get this all put together to make a home!


We have been "home" now for three months.  We spent our first two months in Alabama, living with my husband's parents.  It was a wonderful time of catching up with family and friends, and having much needed rest and counseling.  We also got to do some intensive health care through Progressive Medical Center in Atlanta.  Levi, Paul and I are on an intense detox, and we are all seeing good improvements.  Levi was diagnosed with disbiotic gut (an imbalance of good/bad bacteria in his gut.  The bad bacteria is eating up all his nutrients, which is why his growth has stalled out).  We're thankful for solid answers and a plan to get him back on track.  So thankful.  My health is also much better.  A recent blood test at Progressive showed absolutely no markers for Graves' disease! This is huge for us, and we are so thankful.  I was advised how to wean off my anti-thyroid medication, which I did. I've been off for 2-3 weeks now and am fee...

2014-2015 Curriculum Picks

I can't believe it's time to start this school year already.  I'm just not ready.  We have been in the states for three months, living with family.  Hopefully next week, we'll be moving into a house, and then I'm hoping we can get organized and into a good routine.  I have a plan for our school work this year, just no plan as to when we'll start! : ) I learned so much about classical education this past year, and I'm so thankful for all the resources and people who have poured into me to help me refine what we're doing.  This coming year, I am grouping everything into three categories: Language, Logic, and Content.  So for this year in Preedy Academy, we'll be using: In Language: -McGuffey Readers -Beginning Reasoning and Reading -New American Cursive - All About Spelling Levels 4 and 5 * -Classical Writing Aesop A/B In Logic: -Math-U-See Gamma and Delta -Song School Latin 2 (this is arguable both language and logic) -Yamaha Piano less...

2013-2014 Curriculum Reviews!

Well, I'm way behind the ball this year. If you've been following our blog, you know it's been a bit of a roller coaster around here lately.  I will write more about that in other posts, but it is way past time to do my year-end review of what happened at the Preedy Academy this past school year! My post last year about my picks, aiming for a more classical approach, included the following: - Veritas Bible: Judges to Kings - Math-U-See : Beta and Gamma - Classical Writing:  Primer - All About Spelling  3 and 4 hopefully - Elemental Science : Chemistry - Memoria Press  2nd grade Literature pack - Tapestry of Grace  Year 3: Lower Grammar -Hindi - New American Cursive  2: Quotes from Founding Fathers versions - McGuffey Reader  2 - Artistic Pursuits  2 (we'll try again) : )  -Veritas Bible: We got about 8 weeks into this, and I decided to just drop it.  It got really repetitive for us.   The amount of work was more tha...