A Compelling Reason for Rigorous Training of the Mind - John Piper
I read this today in my devotional time from "A Godward Life", by John Piper. It's just too good not to share. I will come back to this again and again when I'm discouraged in homeschooling. "A Compelling Reason for Rigorous Training of the Mind Thoughts on the Significance of Reading I was reading and meditating on the Book of Hebrews recently, when it hit me forcefully that a basic and compelling reason for education - the rigorous training of the mind - is so that a person can read the Bible with understanding. This sounds too obvious to be useful or compelling, but that is because we take the preciousness of reading for granted. We fail to appreciate the kind of thinking that a complex Bible passage requires. The Book of Hebrews, for example, is an intellectually challenging argument based on Old Testament texts. The points that the author makes hang on biblical observations that come only from rigorous reading, not light skimming. Understandin...