2015-16 Curriculum Picks for Preedy Academy!

I always look forward to this post, because I love planning!  I have been encouraged this year in finding that there are others out there too who really get into the planning and curriculum research, making lists and spreadsheets. I really love this part of homeschooling, and it's fun to share all the fruits of my labor and what eventually emerges as my plan for the coming year.

I'm not changing too much this time around.  Next year will be my sixth year schooling at home, and each year I think I'm hitting my stride and refining my visions and getting closer to making no changes. : )  I imagine I'll always be re-evaluating and finding what works for each child as they learn and grow, so even my broad strokes plan will probably never be in concrete until it's done!

I'm excited to share my plan for next year with you, and in the next two posts, I'll share how I plan for each day/week, and then, about my long-range planning.

So without further adieu, here is what is in store for us in the coming year! I will have THREE official students this coming year!

Luke and Kiryn (5th and 4th grade):
- Writing and Rhetoric: Book 2, Narrative and Book 3, Narrative II
-Latin for Children Primer A
-All About Spelling Level 5
-New American Cursive 2 & 3
-English Grammar Recitations

-Math-U-See Gamma & Delta
-Piano Lessons from Grammy!

-Bible: We'll be doing Community Bible Study this year, and so using their materials at home through the week.  We'll also continue with the Westminster Catechism Songs, and Training Hearts, Teaching Minds.
-Science: Science in the Ancient World, with Memoria Press Insect Nature Study
-Geography I
-Tapestry of Grace Year 1: Blend of Upper Grammar and Lower Grammar work, studying the Ancient World

Additional Enrichment:
-Ambleside Online Literature selections for Read-Alouds from Years 4 and 5
-Ambleside Online Free Reading selections for both kids. They are expected to always be reading a book for fun, but it has to be quality. :)
-Draw and Write through History: Creation through Jonah, and Greece and Rome
-Ken Ludwig's How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare, along with some Ambleside Online Shakespeare titles

For my KG/1st Grader:
-All About Reading Level 1
-Math-U-See Alpha
-Handwriting Without Tears, second book
-Tapestry of Grace Year 1: basic Lower Grammar history books for fun, and The Big Story Game and Primer Activity Book

Now that I've got it all picked out, I've got the summer to pour over it and get it into a cohesive plan! :) I've already got a to-do list a mile long!  I'd love to hear what others are planning for next year! Blessings!


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