Ready, Set, Go!!
I always like to think of summer as our 'off-time", but this summer it's been my work-in-over-drive-time. I've been busy making Year 1 Tapestry flash cards, researching Memory work and making Memory work binders, cataloging and organizing our library, reading The Liberal Arts Tradition, which, trust me, was work. :) But, I believe all the work will pay off when we start school this coming Monday! I hope I have made it easy on myself to plan and be prepared to make the most of each week! Here are a couple of little tips for getting ready for school that I do each year! 1. Did you know the UPS store will bind your books for you? All those paperback, gum-bound workbooks and teacher's manual that never seem to make it through a semester, let along a full year, can be cut and spiral bound! I take all the kids notebooks and any teacher's manuals I have, because they do it for around $3 a book! This includes a nice clear plastic cover front and back to ...