My Favorite Resources on Classical Education

Recently I was blessed to talk to a group of homeschool moms about classical education. It was a huge undertaking for me to condense the last few years of study into a short time.  There have been so so many wonderful blogs, books, lectures that have poured into my heart, and I felt like it would be really helpful for myself and maybe others to make a list of resources that I want to return to again and again to continue shaping me as a homeschooling mother, and even as a person and disciple of Christ. If you've heard me talk about classical education, and you start reading and listening to these resources, you'll realize I'm just repeating these great thinkers and writers. :)

So here goes! :)

The Liberal Arts Tradition
For the Children's Sake
Trivium Mastery
Start Here by Brandy Vencel
Teaching From Rest by Sarah Mackenzie
How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare

Around the internet:
Perrin's Eight Essential Principles of Classical Pedagogy (Video lecture)
Kern's A Contemplation of Nature (Audio lecture)

A Guide to Teaching Classically by Jennifer Dow (Blog series/ebook)
Why are Classical Education Principles Important? (Simply Convivial)
CiRCE Audio Library (Every one in here is worth listening to more than once)
Afterthoughts Series on The Liberal Arts Tradition (If you want to read The Liberal Arts Tradition, read this along with it, or first)

On Latin:
Memoria Press's Top 10 Reasons to Study Latin

On Language Arts:
Mystie Winckler's post on Writing
Afterthoughts writing posts
Classical Writing Aesop and Homer for teacher training on fable and narrative

Amongst Lovely Things
Simply Convivial
Ed Snapshots
Expanding Wisdom
Read Aloud Revival
Perrin's Blog
Ten Thousand Places: Jenny Rallens

Curriculum Companies:
Classical Academic Press
Memoria Press
Tapestry of Grace
Ambleside Online

Read Aloud Revival
CiRCE's The Mason Jar

Books I want to read:
Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition by Karen Glass
Wisdom and Eloquence: A Christian Paradigm for Classical Education
Norms and Nobility: A Treatise on Education
The Abolition of Man
Leisure: The Basis of Culture
Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview and Cultural Formation


  1. You can get Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition at the Wichita Public Library:)

  2. Great list! Pam Barnhill's (of Ed Snapshots) Your Morning Basket is really good too. (I enjoy her Homeschool Snapshots Podcast too but that one isn't about classical education). Also, Brandy Vencel, Mystic Winckler, and Pam Barnhill just started a new podcast called Schloe Sisters. Should be good!
    I won a giveaway and got Jennifer Dow's course for free! I haven't started it yet, but I'm excited too. I am trying to finish the master classes at Read Aloud Revival and then plan to start.
    You introduced me to a few of these names and I've really benefitted from my study over the past few years too.


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