
Showing posts from August, 2017

Planning for 2017-2018 Year

Two years ago, I wrote about looking to the future and having a Road Map for your homeschool journey, thinking through goals and tools to achieve them, and having a big picture in mind. I also began being more intentional to plan over the summers so that my weeks and days would flow more smoothly. I found that time spent in the summer to be very well spent. I remember reading something from Brandy Vencel on Afterthoughts blog about the energy wasted by task-switching. I took away that its better for me to pull out all my books for history or science once over the summer and spend several hours planning out the whole year, than to pull those same books out every single Sunday afternoon or evening and spend a few minutes planning the next week.  So over the past couple of years, I have gradually created documents and tools to help me plan over the summer in ways that free me up to do more reading and thinking, rather than planning, during the school year. This summer, my planner t...