
Showing posts from November, 2017


After all the food had been eaten and all the playing had been accomplished and all the dishes had been washed, Paul and I sat down in a quiet, lamplit home and gave our kids a few minutes to write a list of things they were thankful for.  Some of them chose to write a list based on the alphabet. Others went for a free-form list. :) Here's what our kids are thankful for this year! Luke, age 12 Apples Books Charlie Dad Eggs Family God Holy Bible India Jazz music Kiryn Levi Mom, Meryn Nerf guns Oxygen Playing Quarters Running Snakes Trees Uncles Work Zoo Kiryn, age 11: Aubrey Baths Charlie Dogs Einstein Food Good-lookin' Dad Hedgehogs Itch ointment Jesus Kaylee Laughter Mom Nadia (pen pal) Other People People Riley Sister Tristan Umbrellas Violin Winter Yogurt Levi, age 7: Mom Dad Papa Grammy Outside Brothers Sisters Aunts Uncles Music Animals Cousins Great Grandma Great Grandpa Dogs Cats Bunnies Life Jesus...

End-of-Term Review and Reflections

Each year when we begin our studies, I always think I'd like to do weekly post on how we're spending our time and growing. But somehow, it seems kind of like measuring the kids' heights every single week. You do it so often its hard to see the growth. While I have managed to write about some specific things we've done so far this year, I'm going to try to do end-of-term reviews to see more significant growth. By looking back at 12 weeks of school work, maybe I'll see bigger strides of growth, more accomplished, and generally be more encouraged to keep on. This week we are taking the week off of school, so I had planned into the week to have a day of reflection, and to walk through the Simply Convivial Homeschool Audit . That's what I'm doing today, so here's a review of the past 12 weeks of our learning! Morning Time We have read a lot.  We have two stacks of books: completed, and in progress.  This is our completed stack. The kids h...