Paperwork... Paperwork... Paperwork...

The process has begun.  We’ve sent the agency application in.  We’ve applied to a home study agency.  Our social workers is in Bahrain.  We had a Skype interview last week as a pre-adoption assessment.  She said everything sounded good and gave us a list of things to get done, and we could schedule her visit.  We were hoping she could come the first half of May, but there is a lot of unrest in Bahrain right now.  She is from Australia, and her family was planning on moving back to Australia permanently in July. Now, due to all the problems in Bahrain, they’re wondering if they should go sooner.  Please pray for peace in Bahrain! Who knew God would need to bring about peace in Bahrain in order for our little girl to come home! :)  God did....
We’ve also been fingerprinted for an FBI background check.  This was crazy!  I assumed the Embassy would do this for us. I called them, on our way to the capital, and they said, “No, we don’t do that.  You have to either get a letter from us saying why you need fingerprints and go to the Delhi fingerprint bureau, or go to a private company.”  Well, that’s a no-brainer.  We figured the private company would be more expensive, but that we’d have to end up paying a bribe to the police anyway, so to save us the time and hassle, we just went to the private company.  30 minutes later, and a much lighter wallet, we walked out with fingerprints.  Easy as pie!  Our FBI background check application is off in the DHL world somewhere now... 

Left to do is:
-write autobiographies for both of us
-get a police clearance report from India... that will be fun
-get police clearances from three different states in the US
-list every address we’ve had the last ten years.  seriously?? 
-lots of other paperwork... I don’t think I could ever list it all...
Please do keep this process in your prayers!  We are praying for peace in Bahrain, and for God to provide all the funding we need to make this happen.  We know He will!  I’ll do another post on the process, the agency we chose, and other random information in the coming days.  


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