Why Ethiopia?
Of the 143 million orphans worldwide, more live in Ethiopia than any other country in the world. Just twice the size of Texas,
it is home to five million orphaned children.
While international adoption from Ethiopia has increased in recent years, at the current rate it would take 5 million families, $125 billion, and 2,500 years to solve the Ethiopian orphan crisis.
Ethiopia is ranked by the UN as one of the four poorest countries in the world.
The average annual income is less than $160.
In Ethiopia, 1 out of every 10 children is an orphan.
In 2008, 650,000 children were orphaned by AIDS alone.
In 2007, 197 people died per day due to AIDS (71,902 annual).
The average Ethiopian woman gives birth to 5.9 children.
1 in 10 children die before their first birthday; 1 in 6 die before age five.
More than half of those deaths are attributed to malnutrition.
There is 1 physician for every 34,988 people.
Girls age 15-19 are seven times more likely to be infected by AIDS than boys of the same age.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27
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