New School Year, New Blog

So I'm a faithful apple customer.  I've had mobile me for a year and love it.  I loved the easiness of publishing our family website, and that it was different from the blogging world.

To my great distress, apple is discontinuing mobile me and will no longer have an avenue for publishing iWeb websites free.  Ugh.

So, I'm joining the rest of the world and switching things over here.

I'm also planning to use this as a documentary of our learning at home this year.  I am so excited about the curriculum we're using, and have been in full planning mode for a few weeks now.  (I'm hoping that a lot of effort on the front end will yield easy weeks throughout the year...).  We're planning to start our studies on Monday, and my goal is to do a weekly blog report on what we've done.  We'll see if that happens. : )

Hope to see you around my new cyber-space home! 


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