Tapestry: Week 8

We had a nice, slow, uneventful week last week.  Those seem few and far between anymore. : )  Well, at least until Friday, when we traveled two hours to go to a friend's wedding reception.  It was a great time to visit a place we used to live and see old friends.  We stayed with good friends and let the kids play together.  Busy, but good! : )

Here are the highlights!

We are studying ancient Israel still, this week focusing on the role of the priests and the festivals.  We made ephods, the breastplates the priests wore, and L also made a high priests hat.

K enjoys practicing math with the Math-U-See blocks. 

We made shofars.  They didn't work as well as I'd have liked.  But the kids enjoyed it anyway.

We colored a picture of a priest blowing a shofar, and learned all about when shofars are blown, and listened to three different calls on the internet. The kids were mimmicking them the rest of the day. 

We learned about two holidays, Rosh Hashannah (Jewish New Year), and Yom Kippur, ten days after Rosh Hashannah.  Rosh Hashannah is actually this week!

K practiced reading with her Sing, Spell, Read and Write readers.  She's doing great!

K also practiced writing lower case letters.  She has named this her "alphapuzzle."  She has not been a fan of writing lower case letters. I guess she feels like capital letters are all she needs to know. :)  This week, I discovered a little trick.  I wrote the whole alphabet in lower case, and then told her to pick a crayon and trace over my writing with any color crayon she wanted.  This was a hit, and she'll do it over and over again! : )  (I also love Chotu doing what he does all.day.long in the background of the photo, playing with cars.)  : ) 

This coming week is the end of our first unit, and the end of my planning ahead, so I've got some work cut out for me next weekend!  We're not taking a break the following week, as we have a bit of a vacation planned a couple of weeks from now.  So we'll keep on through Week 11 before taking a break.  So far so good!  I don't fee like we need a week's break just yet.  Maybe I will by then. : ) 


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