We are really near the end of this. I'm imagining more and more life with four children, toting Meryn around on my hip, playing with her and Levi together, how Levi will respond to not being the baby anymore. : ) My heart longs for her, even for a new picture of her, just to see how her hair is growing or how chubby her cheeks are, or if she's sitting on her own yet. It's such a strange feeling, having three of your children on one continent, and one on another. It makes it almost impossible to be fully where you are, in your heart or mind. For over a year now, we've lived with the feeling of daily anticipation. Looking every day at email first thing to see if there will be any information, any news about our child who is in another country. It can be really exhausting, living with that kind of anticipation and expectation, and can really take over your thoughts at times, especially when the anticipated event or information is unrealized. But f...