Meryn's First Birthday

This is a special day.  One I don't take for granted.  Not at all.  The blessing of it was heavy on me all day.  So many children don't get to spend their first birthday with their families.  They're still waiting... waiting in orphanages.... sometimes with good caregivers... sometimes not... but almost certainly no one will know its their birthday, no one will whisper "Happy Birthday Baby!" in their ear, no one will make a special fuss over them that day, or give them something sweet or remember that they were born and given as a precious gift to a family. I am so thankful to have celebrated Meryn's first birthday, and to have her with us for this day!  God has been so faithful to us and to her, and she was surrounded by loving friends who have faithfully prayed her into this home over the past year.  We had such a great time celebrating this beautiful girl's first year and where God's brought her in it!


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