Tapestry of Grace: Year 2, Week 2

I entered this week with fear and trepidation, but also a determination to conquer being the homeschooling mommy of four kids.  It's on.

Each morning, we'd start as soon as Meryn went down for her nap, between 9 and 9:15.  Levi we'd keep occupied coloring, getting out toys, or as a last resort, a Baby Einstein.  (Only twice all week, I'm pretty proud of myself!)

During Meryn's naptime, we almost always could knock out our Bible, Grammar, Spelling, and either math or science. (We do math M-W-F, and science T-Th).  So then all that was left is our Tapestry work.  We'd either take a break, or they kept working on independent work, while I'd then entertain the littles from 11 or so until lunch.  Then lunch, littles back down for a nap, and around 2, we're hitting the books again.  Things went so well this week, that I actually managed to work out every afternoon (except Friday) either before or after our afternoon school time.  This week was a huge success in my opinion.  I CAN do it! : )

Here are some fun things we did this week!

Okay, so this was over the weekend, but a fun, child-initiated activity. : )

We painted the land onto our globes.  

We made some simple first mosaics, after the example of the Byzantine Empire. I'd like to do this again and again and work up to more complicated designs. 

After the early Christian church monks, we decorated the tops of paper, and Kiryn at least wrote a note to her Aunt Ashley congratulating her on the birth of her fifth baby, Lillian!

A "cartoon" rendition of the Fall and the Garden of Eden...

Pages from their science notebooks.  We're learning about earth and space...

I love this note booking thing. The things they come up with are hilarious.  

We read all about monks and nuns in monasteries and how they'd live off the land.  Kiryn copied this idea straight out of the book.  

I'm so proud of myself for making it through this week... not only surviving it, but enjoying it and having the energy to cook some good dinners too! All praise to God! 


  1. Megan, thank you for posting! The more I see TOG and how you are able to use it with two of yours, I want to do it when Abigail is in 1st grade. I loved hearing the breakdown of your school day with the Littles naps.
    Love Christine

  2. Megan...what a week! I'm gearing up to start in 2 weeks. I'm so nervous about what to do with Parks. Thankful for Wint's a.m. nap...but a toddler running around during school? Oh....we'll see how it goes. I'll be working it with you, friend!

  3. Megan, what a week! Wow, girl! We're gearing up to start in 2 weeks and my biggest concern is my little toddler running around in the house during school. I'll be working it with you!


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